Forget race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, economic status, and any other demographic that pollsters use. Ask any American if the country is on the right track. Political parties aside, a majority of Americans will say "no". But if this is the case, why then do we keep re-electing the same politicians who have put us in this situation? Are we afraid of change? Are we secretly content with their performance? Or are we apathetic and feel that we, as the voting populace, have no real say-so in our country's direction? Regardless of why we keep the "old guard" in office, we do it. This has to stop. We, as Americans, need to say enough is enough.

As this blog progresses, I'll give my personal opinion on what is wrong, and how I would fix it, if given the magic crayon of power. Please keep in mind that these views are my own, and are not reflective of anyone else. Do not associate my views with any political party, demographic, employment status, or religious affiliation.

Our country needs another stimulus. Not a multi-billion dollar infusion of government money, or a jobs package that will never pass the bi-partisan bickering that exsists within our government. This country needs a Common Sense Stimulus. Simple ideas that you don't need a degree to understand. Common sense is something that we should all possess and use as the litmus test against our everyday actions. If the stove is hot, don't touch it. We all can agree that this is a wonderful example of common sense, right? This simple cognitive exercise can be projected onto our national stage.

Taking the above common sense exercise and projecting it towards our economy, let's take the basic premise of spending versus income. If you make a dollar, and spend three, what happens? I don't know of anyone who would say this example makes sense and is a rational way to live. Yet this is exactly what our country does and has done for years. This pattern transcends political parties. Republicans and Democrats have done this over and over again. This has to stop. Common sense folks, we all claim to have it, but we don't use it. We need common sense answers to our problems. We have politicians who look after the interests of their own districts/states (which on a basic level is what they are supposed to do). But this isn't always the best answer for their district/state and certainly not for the country. A simple scenario:

 State A posts an economic growth of 5% and its neighbor, State B posts a decline of 10%, what will happen to State A? Would you, as an American with common sense, continue to live in State B or would you start looking at your neighbors in State A and consider joining them in economic prosperity? If you are unemployed and have a family to support, I can say, with a fair amount of certainty that you might start planning a move. Joe Snuffy has moved from State B to State A and found a job. His economic situation has improved. This is great news for the Snuffy family. How many families like the Snuffys will move to State A? How will this impact State A's economic prosperity? Look to recent history for the example. After the Berlin Wall fell, the former West German economy suffered under the burden of acquiring the former East German economic hardships. This, again, is common sense. Could you take on your neighbors bills and debts while trying to maintain your house without a significant pay raise or altering your quality of life? Most of us would say no. (I'm still looking for someone who said "yes" to this question by the way.) Taking this historical example and applying it to our two-state model, we can see that State A would not maintain its economic prosperity for very long. Again, common sense at work. I'll expand on the "selfish politician" belief later on.

The title of this entry is "What we need versus what we have". What we need is common sense and politicians who are willing to use common sense. What we have are politicians who are place their needs, and a select few contributors above the needs of the majority. We should change this. We MUST change this.

Up next...Forget 9-9-9 Tax Plans...Let's try Common Sense Tax Plans