From CNN:

Americans doubt super committee will reach deal...

I, for one, am not surprised by this poll. Granted, I take these polls with a grain of salt, but every American can conduct their own poll, just ask the person sitting to your right and left at some point during the day, see what they say. When the super committee was formed, I was skeptical that a bipartisan group would be able to come to any sort of agreement since they had been unable to do so thus far. I applaud the incorporation of the automatic cuts if a deadline is not reached, but only to the extent that should they be enacted, BOTH parties will face the ire of the American people. This is not a Democratic problem, nor is it a Republican problem. Regardless of the finger pointing that is so common in our government, neither party has been willing to compromise with the other in order to serve the American people. This is the fundamental problem with our government, the 536 members that make up our legislative branch (100 Senators, 435 Representatives, 1 President) do NOT represent the interests of the people that elected them. That being said, the Senators and Representatives often attempt to funnel money into their districts, but at the same time, do not listen to what the entire district needs or wants. Money for insane projects will not pay the bills of the unemployed factory worker. This is why America needs to stand up, and in one loud unified voice say "enough is enough". Ladies and Gentlemen, they work for US. WE are their employers. WE pay their salary. And WE reserve the right to give them a pink slip if they no longer serve our interests.

My favorite three words in the US Constitution are the first there. "We the people". This means us. Everyone of us, regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or religious preference. We the people are responsible for our own destiny in this country. From where you attend church, or choose not to attend church to where you buy your groceries. This is our choice. This is our country. They are our representatives to our government. Its time they be reminded who they work for. It's time for our representatives to get right, or get left.