I'm sure most of you, by now, have heard of the acts of lunacy and violence that accompanied this year's "Black Friday" shopping extravaganza. Across the nation, people were shot, stabbed, pepper sprayed, trampled, and robbed. These were not isolated incidents by a few "bad apples", this was a reflection on the what our nation is hurtling towards. While I know that not every shopper fell into this sort of idiotic behavior, it is shocking to see that so many incidents occurred across the nation. Have we gotten to such a low point in our nation that we are willing to harm our fellow citizens for an Xbox? Has our economy gotten so broken that we are willing to pepper spray children for a discounted game system? This is ridiculous. In such a short time we have fallen so far off the wagon of human decency that we are able to shrug this type of incident off as "just a couple crazies".

While these were not "politically motivated" incidents, it underscores the shift in priorities we as a society have seen. Our politicians have sacrificed their sworn oaths to serve the very people that elected them. Our citizens are becoming more disaffected by the day. These individuals committed violent acts in the name of self rather than the good of the masses. These individuals trampled on the rights of their fellow Americans to buy a holiday gift with force and complete disregard for the safety and well being of everyone around them. Our politicians are no different. How often have the wishes of the nation been pushed aside for the sake of a politicians pocket book? How long have our politicians been squandering the wealth and prestige of this nation on personal agendas and the agendas of special interest groups? We are facing a national "Black Friday" scenario. Our nation is going on sale, at a deeply discounted price. Who will buy our nation? China has already started. Who is next? Which nation will unleash their own brand of pepper spray just to get at the "good deal"? We have got to take back that which is rightfully ours. We, the American people, MUST take back our government. We, the American people, MUST take back our right to adequate representation in our government. We have to do better ladies and gentlemen, our futures, and the futures of our children and grandchildren depend on us.