today posted this story:

As well all are now aware, President Obama's Jobs Bill is being defeated in both the House and Senate by both parties, (neither of whom will admit to it). I have noticed, and this has been over an extended period of time, that Democrats will tack on something for Vets quick, fast, and in-a-hurry in order to pass it through the Republican opposition. While I understand this tactic (slimy as it may be, and let's not get confused, Republicans do it as well), I can't help but laugh a little at this article. I find it a point of irony that they mention vets and millionaires in the same article. Anyone who has ever served our country KNOWS that the odds of being a millionaire and serving our country are slim. I'm sure there are a few, but they didn't make their millions FROM their service. Secondly, having to address the fact that unemployed vets are becoming more and more common is ludacris in its own right. As the military starts its traditional "Democrat drawdown" (I say this because historically, Democrats have cut the military more often than Republicans) our veterans, are returning to a nation that say they "Support the Troops", but elected a government that is slashing the few remaining benefits the military still has. The traditional 20 yr retirement pension is on the chopping block, as is education, medical coverage, pay, housing, post exchange and commissary access, and a myriad of other benefits that are figured into a military members "annual compensation report". I won't delve into the slashing of benefits, I'll save that until later this week, but I find the use of veterans as political power to be vile and repulsive. For those out there who don't support the military, that is your right, but just think, at some point in time, a demographic YOU fall into will be in the same position, and how will you take it? I know that politics involves the use of "political pawns" and posturing, etc, etc. But only because we as the voters allow it.

Read the article, think about how this jobs bill has NO chance of passing unless they scrap it completely and start again, and in the back of your mind, think about the "Super Committee" that is looking for an additional $1 trillion in budget cuts. That deadline is looming. If it doesn't happen, then automatic cuts will be implemented with half of that $1 trillion coming from the defense budget. Don't think it will all be "fat" spending cuts either, but that's another rant for another time.

Let me know what you think about this jobs bill, in ANY form and whether or not it can be saved.