The following is a preview of an upcoming book entitled "Letters from an Average American" This four part series showcases open letters to four components of our government, the President, the Congress, the Candidates, and the American people. These letters are meant to inspire thought at what a "truthful" letter to our government would sound like, as written by an average American:

From Part I: Letters to the President, Letter 1, Job Creation.

For all the promises of job creation, we have seen countless charts and graphs and projections of “what-ifs” and “possible” scenarios, but few real jobs. Americans deal in reality. Not just the working class of America, but the entire nation. You and I, my neighbors, Congress, the rich, the poor, the old, and the young deal in reality. And the reality is we need jobs. We don’t expect you to create them for us Mr. President, but we expect you, along with the rest of our government to create favorable conditions that draw companies back to the United States rather than drive them away. Americans cannot pay real bills with a projected income, nor can we rely on projected job growth to feed our real families. Projected does not cut it Mr. President, reality does. Our government officials take vacations while their constituents struggle to keep the heat on in their homes. Our government continues contributing vast sums of money to other countries while Americans pull together to contribute to a hungry family or returning veterans. This is reality Mr. President, the reality that our country is in trouble, and unfortunately, if this reality continues, we can project a dismal future for our children and grandchildren.

Check back for the debut of "Letter from an Average American"..