The name is Richard, but my friends call me Tricky. Long story short on the nickname, it involved a Richard Nixon mask and libations, but that's history (although if I ever run for office, it may surface again). I consider myself an "average American". I earn a decent wage, have a wonderful, blended family, and love my country, with all the rights and privileges afforded to me by this great nation.

Unfortunately, I have watched this country spiral out of control, socially, economically, politically, and morally. I am not an advocate of additional Federal government regulation, but I am an advocate of common sense. Let’s face it, most Americans are sick and tired of being told what will be best for them, then seeing the exact opposite happen. If anyone out there is totally satisfied with the way things are going in this country, please let me know. Congressional approval is abysmal. Presidential approval is nearly as bad. Both major political parties are doing absolutely everything in their power to block initiatives by the other party, and all to the detriment of folks like you and me. Ladies and gentlemen, this has to stop, and stop now. The consequences of inaction and apathy are certainly worse than what we have now.

I created this blog, “Common Sense Stimulus”, to respond to the political banter that flows like a river out of Washington D.C. Throughout the blog; I’ll address topics such as taxes, immigration, jobs, welfare, budget issues, as well as a myriad of current events. I don’t ask that you agree with me. That is the greatest right we have in our country; we can disagree with one another, and folks I disagree with the way our politicians are running things. Keep in mind, I am NOT advocating an overthrow of the government, rather, I’m simply advocating a common sense approach to running our nation.

Feedback and comments are welcome and encouraged. If you like what you read, please spread the word. Eventually, if enough “average Americans” stand up and say “NO MORE” then our elected officials will have no choice but to serve the people, or find another job.