Message Subject: Congressional Failure

Message Text:

Dear Representative Hartzler, I am writing you today to not only voice my displeasure at the complete failure of the "super committee" to reach any sort of agreement on cuts to our over-the-top spending, but also to ask that you and your collegues representing the American people consider other options to solving our economic crisis.

I addressed the topic of a National Sales Tax on a personal blog I author and after speaking with a nearly one hundred individuals (Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) have found that an overwhelming majority would support a National Sales Tax in the amount of $.01 or $.02 per dollar spent. By using the 2010 Census data and other figures provided by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and the Bureau of Economic Data, I have found that a National Sales Tax of a single penny, for every dollar spent would generate an estimated thirty six billion dollars every year. A National Sales Tax is a fair and socio-economically neutral way to increase revenue for our struggling economy. Representative Hartzler, I realize that a national sales tax would not solve every economic issue that faces our nation. I also realize that thirty six billion dollars is a proverbial drop in the bucket when compared to the trillions of dollars we as a nation spend annually. However, thirty six billion dollars would provide a starting point for some sort of increased revenue for our nation. Couple that with a responsible, yet sizeable decrease in spending, our financial situation would improve drastically in a very short time.

I ask that you at least consider this suggestion for a moment and perhaps even bring it up during a discussion with your constituents and/or collegues. Regardless of the outcome, I sincerely hope that you as well as the rest of our elected government can put aside the finger-pointing and party-politics long enough to save our country from economic collapse and restore our economic standing in the world.

With the utmost respect,
(author's name witheld for blog post)

Dear Senator Blunt,

I am writing you today to not only voice my displeasure at the complete failure of the "super committee" to reach any sort of agreement on cuts to our over-the-top spending, but also to ask that you and your collegues representing the American people consider other options to solving our economic crisis.
I addressed the topic of a National Sales Tax on a personal blog I author and after speaking with a nearly one hundred individuals (Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) have found that an overwhelming majority would support a National Sales Tax in the amount of $.01 or $.02 per dollar spent. By using the 2010 Census data and other figures provided by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and the Bureau of Economic Data, I have found that a National Sales Tax of a single penny, for every dollar spent would generate an estimated thirty six billion dollars every year. A National Sales Tax is a fair and socio-economically neutral way to increase revenue for our struggling economy. Senator Blunt, I realize that a national sales tax would not solve every economic issue that faces our nation. I also realize that thirty six billion dollars is a proverbial drop in the bucket when compared to the trillions of dollars we as a nation spend annually. However, thirty six billion dollars would provide a starting point for some sort of increased revenue for our nation. Couple that with a responsible, yet sizeable decrease in spending, our financial situation would improve drastically in a very short time.
I ask that you at least consider this suggestion for a moment and perhaps even bring it up during a discussion with your constituents and/or collegues. Regardless of the outcome, I sincerely hope that you as well as the rest of our elected government can put aside the finger-pointing and party-politics long enough to save our country from economic collapse and restore our economic standing in the world.

With the utmost respect,
(author's name witheld for blog post)

Dear Senator McCaskill,

I am writing you today to not only voice my displeasure at the complete failure of the "super committee" to reach any sort of agreement on cuts to our over-the-top spending, but also to ask that you and your collegues representing the American people consider other options to solving our economic crisis.
I addressed the topic of a National Sales Tax on a personal blog I author and after speaking with a nearly one hundred individuals (Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) have found that an overwhelming majority would support a National Sales Tax in the amount of $.01 or $.02 per dollar spent. By using the 2010 Census data and other figures provided by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and the Bureau of Economic Data, I have found that a National Sales Tax of a single penny, for every dollar spent would generate an estimated thirty six billion dollars every year. A National Sales Tax is a fair and socio-economically neutral way to increase revenue for our struggling economy. Senator McCaskill, I realize that a national sales tax would not solve every economic issue that faces our nation. I also realize that thirty six billion dollars is a proverbial drop in the bucket when compared to the trillions of dollars we as a nation spend annually. However, thirty six billion dollars would provide a starting point for some sort of increased revenue for our nation. Couple that with a responsible, yet sizeable decrease in spending, our financial situation would improve drastically in a very short time.

I ask that you at least consider this suggestion for a moment and perhaps even bring it up during a discussion with your constituents and/or collegues. Regardless of the outcome, I sincerely hope that you as well as the rest of our elected government can put aside the finger-pointing and party-politics long enough to save our country from economic collapse and restore our economic standing in the world.

With the utmost respect,
(author's name witheld for blog post)