My fellow Americans, as the deadline for the super committee rapidly approaches, with no deal in sight, it appears that our elected officials have once again let us down. After partisan politics pushed this summer's budget battle to the 11th hour (again), partisan politics have now prevented the implementation of significant spending cuts. If no deal is reached by Wednesday, then the "automatic across the board" cuts will be implemented, with half of the spending cuts coming from the Defense Dept. and the other half coming from domestic spending. Not to worry though, these cuts won't take effect until 2013. With this in mind, Congress can, and probably will, go in and repeal these cuts, effectively ignoring their own mandate to themselves, and, yet again, pushing us ever closer to economic collapse. Our government working for us, right?

Ladies and gentlemen, this has to stop, and stop immediately. How much longer are we, the American people, going to trust those we have sent to Washington to represent us, who have consistently failed at every turn to improve our situation? Neither party shoulders the blame entirely, but both parties share the blame equally. Partisan politics have thrown us into an economic spiral second only to the Great Depression of the 1920's and 1930's. Thankfully, it doesn't have to be that bad. We can still turn this around, but it will take a unified effort by our Congress and President to make the decisions that will benefit our nation, not their contributors. Enough is enough America, we HAVE to do better.