From CNN Money:

Another Awful Week For Stocks. Thanks Europe!

So, as you can tell, the economic instability in Europe is weighing heavily on the minds of investors as stocks finished lower on Friday.

This should be a giant red flag to our politicians who want to emulate Europe and their various socio-economic programs. When the Euro was introduced, it was supposed to replace the dollar as the "world currency". Our current administration has taken subtle steps to reshape America into a pseudo European, starting with nationalized healthcare. If you take a look eastward, you'll notice that Europe is floundering, socially as well as economically. This is our wake up call. We are seeing our future in the EUs demise, yet we continue to march to their drum. It's not working there, it won't work here. The EU SHOULD  be dominating the world market, but isn't. The EU SHOULD be the most progressive and socially responsible group in the world (they preach it, but don't practice it) but aren't. Making everyone equal doesn't work. Giving everybody the same slice of the pie builds resentment from those that do, and enables those that don't. I still cannot fathom why we would move ever closer to a European style nation when they are crumbling before our eyes?

Wake up America! It's time to speak up before our politicians hitch our buggy to that horse to Hell.