Romney: War almost "out of sight, out of mind" From CNN

This headline today from the CNN political ticker bothers me a little bit. While I realize that current wars are unpopular with a large portion of America, has America ever really been at war? A photo that circulated around the internet a while back showed a white board with the statment "America is not at war, America is at the mall" was displayed alongside US Marines at an un-named Marine installation. This sentitment is and has been true since 1946.

Not since WWII has America, as a nation, been asked to make sacrifices for the war effort. Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Desert Sheild/Storm, Somalia, and even the current conficts in Iraq and Afghanistan have not required the United States to shift its economy to a war-time posture. It is often said that wars stimulate the economy, but only if the economy is supporting the war. WWII saw a halt in the production of civilian automobiles, with Ford and GM producing tanks, jeeps, trucks, and planes. Unemployment virtually vanished as the ablebodied marched off to war and those back in the States took their places in the factories, including women and minorities (for the first time in our history on such a large scale). This boosted our economy, but at a terrible price. I'm not advocating a world war to fix our economy, but I am advocating an admission from our government that coincides with the sentiment on that white-board. America is NOT at war, the US Military is at war while the rest of the nation (aside from military families and friends) conduct business as usual.

Mr. Romney says he wants to increase wartime communication with the American people. Folks, in this day and age there is NO reason that you cannot get information if you desire it. We have an overload of information at our fingertips. The reason that the wars have dropped off the national radar is that America doesn't want to think about it, nor acknowledge that it is still going on beyond "it costs money" or using the war for political gain, one way or another. I applaud Mr. Romney for wanting to put the war back on the front burner, but once the wars are over, and they will be eventually, what does he have after that? Hopefully something to get America growing once again aside from political double talk and a maintenance of the status quo.