Holder Claims Racism

Attorney General Eric Holder fires back at his critics over his handling of the now infamous Fast and Furious Scandal. Holder addresses the "extremist" critics of the Republican Party, Conservative Movements, and other "right wing" commentators and bloggers (I wonder if I'm included in this?). Holder's statement that his critics are targeting him because of his "relationship" with the President and the fact that they are both "African-American" are both appaling and show that he cannot formulate a defense for his actions without stooping to such an inflamatory accusation. I have searched through the vast repository of internet information and cannot find one statement from any source of any credibility level that states Fast and Furious was mishandled because Holder is black. Not one. So, my question to the audience is at what point in time do we stop listening to this inflammatory drivel and get him a pink slip?